Wildwood Golf Course

General Course Description

Wildwood golfWildwood Golf Course is a rolling, 18-hole public course to the west of Portland. Wildwood Golf Course has a rural feel, but conditions have improved greatly over the past decade. Even though the course is somewhat short and there are some holes that are a bit “different,” Wildwood Golf Course has challenges throughout (mostly in the form of trees, water, and hills) and some great views of Mt. Hood. Overall, the fairways and greens are well maintained. The course is a bit hilly in spots, but it is generally walkable.

Course History

A 9-hole course was opened on the property in 1928 and was operated until 1971, when it closed and sat idle for several years. William O’Meara then purchased it, modified the existing 9, and reopened it in 1990. The back was added in 1995.

Why It Is There

Not sure why the original course was located there in 1928 (although based on advertisements of the time, the original owners had some land and thought they could provide an alternative to the in-city Portland courses). Mr. O’Meara wanted to preserve the course and decided to upgrade it to an 18-hole course.

I Wish I Would Have Known Before I Played

On the 7th hole, there is a pond on the right of the driving area and a creek that crosses the fairway just beyond the 200-yard marker. On the 11th hole, there is a pond about 10 yards past the 100-yard marker (where the fairway also ends and the green is 90 degrees to the right).

Did You Know

After the course closed in 1971, it came very close to becoming the local garbage dump (thank you, Mr. O’Meara for saving the course).

Good For Them

The creek on the front 9 feeds into Multnomah Channel and is monitored for water quality and fish. Course is home course for both Scappoose and St. Helen High Schools. Participant in Youth on Course program.

Why Play This Course

An interesting course that is an alternative to the Portland courses, with a laid back atmosphere and a patio where you can have a beverage while overlooking the course and gazing at Mt. Hood.


  • Type: 18-hole public course
  • Price: $$
  • Phone/webpage: (503)621-3402/wildwoodgolf.com
  • Address: 2188 NW St. Helens Road, Portland, Oregon 97231
  • Owner: Wildwood Golf Course, Inc.
  • Designer: William O’Meara
  • Pros: Kyle Hanke
  • Practice Facilities: Driving range on mats and practice green
  • Pro Shop: Minimal; some clothes, balls, and tees
  • Food:  The Bar is a full-service restaurant in the remodeled clubhouse with a great patio overlooking the course with a view of Mt. Hood
  • Bathrooms: In clubhouse, port-a-potties on course
  • Yardage Markers: 200, 150, and 100 poles
  • Clothing: T-shirts and jeans are OK
  • Walkable: Very
  • Spikes: Soft only
  • Shoe Cleaning: Air hose and brush
  • Rentals: All
  • Open all year
Yards Par Rating Slope
Black 5853 72 69.1 127
White 5591 72 67.9/73.3 124/133
Orange 4991 72 69.6 125
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Wildwood Golf Course
Average rating:  
 3 reviews
 by Dan Steffen

Located a couple miles south of Scappoose on Hwy 30, Wildwood G.C. is a good golf course with nice views and some of the best greens I play all year.

 by Gary

design feels cramped, but it makes you think. Pretty good conditions and there is a bit of whimsey (paintings, signs, sculptures) here and there. Good place to have fun.

 by Klaas Ellerbrook

Although this golf course is one of my very favorites, the appearance of the course today with the limbing up of all the trees to mimic palm trees is discouraging. Being a long time Oregonian who enjoyed the beautiful conifers on this course and the warmth it provided is now beyond repair. Although the course may be more friendly to many golfers, it has lost the visual affect for many years to come.